Real Life

Find the silver lining in Wall Street turmoil

Find the silver lining in Wall Street turmoil 1167 775 Donna Skeels Cygan

The U.S. stock market is having a bad year. It may turn around before year-end, but the S&P 500 index is currently down 20% (Jan. 1 to June 28), and…

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Invest your money where it will bring you joy

Invest your money where it will bring you joy 1983 1763 Donna Skeels Cygan

*Illustration by Donna Grethen / Albuquerque Journal Money is a powerful tool in our society. It allows us to pay for basic needs like our rent or mortgage, groceries, utilities,…

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How to find a financial advisor

How to find a financial advisor 833 606 admin

Selecting a financial adviser is not easy, and consumers often do not know what to ask. So, let’s tackle some of the important questions. I recommend you interview several potential…

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The importance of asset allocation

The importance of asset allocation 7449 3814 admin

Asset allocation is an investment concept that refers to how much you have allocated to different asset classes. Conceivably, there could be many asset classes that you track, including equities…

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Share the love in February by giving generously

Share the love in February by giving generously 2560 1707 Donna Skeels Cygan

The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of the vast divide between the “haves” and the “have nots.” Most wealthy people have become richer, while many others are struggling to pay…

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Set goals for 2022, but be gentle with yourself

Set goals for 2022, but be gentle with yourself 1156 742 Donna Skeels Cygan

Happy 2022! It’s a new year, and we often set goals as New Year’s resolutions. But you may not feel like setting goals or celebrating this year. The COVID-19 pandemic…

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Roth conversions offer considerable benefits

Roth conversions offer considerable benefits 1736 987 Donna Skeels Cygan

I have been a fan for many years of investors building their tax-free (Roth IRA) bucket as large as possible. The long-term tax-free benefits make the Roth IRA a much…

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Use December to organize your finances

Use December to organize your finances 2560 1707 Donna Skeels Cygan

The weather is cooler, the days are shorter, and December is a great month to get your finances organized! This article will provide eight steps you can take. I encourage…

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Small steps can lead to financial security

Small steps can lead to financial security 769 1024 admin

Illustration by Cathryn Cunningham/ Albuquerque Journal A reader recently asked me to write an article for young people who want to get started on a path toward financial security.… The…

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Learn the many ways to build your Roth IRA

Learn the many ways to build your Roth IRA 1990 1120 Donna Skeels Cygan

Roth IRAs have many great benefits. In last week’s article I discussed the tax-free feature of the Roth IRA, along with the fact that Roths do not require RMDs (Required…

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