There are many other ways to simplify your financial life beyond organizing your files. Consider simplifying your lifestyle and reducing your spending. You may significantly reduce your budget by not buying new clothing, and that money can be redirected into savings and investments. Instead of buying a new car, decide to stretch your car to last another four years.
Make a deliberate effort to stop trying to “keep up with the Joneses.” You may realize you don’t need a large-screen TV, or the cable package that provides 400 channels. You can decide to eat out less often and to cook at home instead. It is healthier and less expensive. Instead of going on an expensive vacation this year, decide to take day trips or weekend trips nearby, exploring areas that do not require expensive airline tickets.
What is the reward for simplifying your lifestyle, simplifying your finances and reducing your expenses? One reward is that you may be able to retire at a younger age. You will be able to manage your finances better knowing they are in “good order.” Another is that you may experience more happiness starting immediately.
Photo by: Tax Credits