When it comes to happiness, less is more
Simplifying your life may include many different factors. It may be de-cluttering your house or office. It may involve getting rid of some responsibilities that are causing you stress. It may require that you stop being a perfectionist. It might mean saying “no” when people ask you to do something you don’t want or need to do, or taking tasks off your to-do list.
In terms of your finances, simplification may include reducing the number of investment accounts you have and consolidating them to make managing your finances easier going forward. It may include setting up most of your bills so they can be paid online. It may also include setting up a system so you don’t have piles of mail (bills, receipts, insurance statements) that seem overwhelming.
When you simplify your life, you free up more time to do other things that you enjoy. Having more time is a valuable benefit. You may decide to devote the extra time to your family, to exercise, to downtime, to hobbies or even to explore a new career.
Another significant benefit of simplifying your life is a reduction in stress. Because we are so busy, our lives often feel out of control. Sometimes we feel like we are just working to keep “all of the balls in the air.” Simplifying our lives and a reduction in stress can improve our overall well being.
And finally, simplifying our lives can actually help bring peace of mind. De-cluttering is powerful stuff.
Tune in next week for tips about how to simplify your financial life.
Photo by: Tax Credits