
Simplify life, finances to enjoy summer

Simplify life, finances to enjoy summer 650 336 Donna Skeels Cygan
It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy! Isn’t that what the song says? So, why do we feel that our lives are too hectic, our homes are too cluttered, and our stress levels are too high? I can’t attempt to solve all of these issues in one article, but I believe that small steps can [...]read more

Important ‘F’ word for investors: fiduciary

Important ‘F’ word for investors: fiduciary 700 273 Donna Skeels Cygan
Despite the endearing advertisements in which the financial industry tries to make you think they are giving you advice that is in your best interest, in many cases, financial professionals simply want to sell you something. Far too often, their profit motive is a higher priority than what is best for you. So, it is [...]read more

Take control with a net worth statement

Take control with a net worth statement 456 304 Donna Skeels Cygan
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Many people are intimidated by money. They don’t know where to begin to get organized. Some people may work with a financial adviser and not be directly involved in managing their money. Other people do not know what they own and whether their net worth is a positive or negative number. Putting [...]read more

Plan now for a financially secure 2017

Plan now for a financially secure 2017 1000 729 Donna Skeels Cygan
We are in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, and 2016 is about to come to a close. Would you like to experience financial security in 2017? Are there changes you want to make to your finances? Now is the time to start planning for the new year. During the last two weeks [...]read more

Retrain your brain for better financial decisions

Retrain your brain for better financial decisions 1000 872 Donna Skeels Cygan
This month I will be posting a series of articles that were published on the Albuquerque Journal. These articles will explore the relationship between money and happiness. Are you ever disappointed after making what seems to be an emotional – and unwise – financial decision? Understanding how our brains are involved in our financial decisions [...]read more

Sales rise not so kind to traditional retailers

Sales rise not so kind to traditional retailers 456 304 Donna Skeels Cygan
This month I will be posting a series of articles that were published on the Albuquerque Journal. These articles will explore the relationship between money and happiness. This week's topic covers retail earnings. During May, several “brick and mortar” department stores reported disappointing corporate earnings, among them Macy’s, Nordstrom, Kohl’s and Gap. However, it seems [...]read more

Nature’s Surprises

Nature’s Surprises 956 850 Donna Skeels Cygan
Nature is full of surprises. Sometimes, Mother Nature reminds us that she has tremendous power, such as when a hurricane, tornado, or earthquake strike. Fortunately, in most cases, the surprises from nature are much more subtle, such as wildflowers blanketing a meadow a few days after a storm in New Mexico. Or, hummingbirds flitting about [...]read more
Money Messages Learned as a Child

Money Messages You Learned as a Child

Money Messages You Learned as a Child 1024 683 Donna Skeels Cygan
What did you learn about money? During our childhoods we received messages about money, and they are deeply ingrained in our behavior as adults. Taking the time to reflect on the money messages you learned as a child will help provide perspective on how you manage your money now. Money is often considered to be [...]read more