
Reframing Leads to Powerful Changes in Your Financial Security

Reframing Leads to Powerful Changes in Your Financial Security 150 150 Donna Skeels Cygan
Reframing applies to your attitude about money. If you know that you have a serious problem—always trying to keep up with the Joneses—you can deliberately work to change your perspective. Rather than lusting over the new car in your neighbor’s driveway, think about the positive lessons you are teaching your children about living within your [...]read more

Reframing in our Personal Life

Reframing in our Personal Life 1698 1131 Donna Skeels Cygan
Today's entry is about a tool we can use in our personal lives called reframing. The next blog entry will be about reframing your finances. We perceive situations based upon our beliefs, our values, our personal experiences, and many other variables. This frame of reference then leads to our opinions and actions. We often assume [...]read more