
Prepare psychologically for retirement

Prepare psychologically for retirement 520 350 Donna Skeels Cygan
Is Sunday evening the best part of your week? Many recent retirees tell me they savor their Sunday evenings, because they are no longer stressed about going to work on Monday morning. Today’s article covers how to prepare psychologically for retirement. Next month’s will cover how to prepare financially for retirement. Mitch Anthony recommends that [...]read more

Weekly column to review financial, investment topics

Weekly column to review financial, investment topics 500 302 Donna Skeels Cygan
This month I will be posting a series of articles that were published on the Albuquerque Journal. These articles will explore the relationship between money and happiness. This week's topic covers the stock market. The first quarter of 2016 felt like a roller coaster for many investors. The Dow Jones Industrial Average began a downward [...]read more

Minimize your Taxes Now and in the Future: Three Tax “Buckets”

Minimize your Taxes Now and in the Future: Three Tax “Buckets” 624 312 Donna Skeels Cygan
Tax season (Jan. 15-April 15) has officially begun! It is time to strategize! “Smart tax planning is essential for smart investing” says Donna Skeels Cygan, CFP®, MBA, who has been recognized as one of the top financial advisors in the United States and is the author of The Joy of Financial Security: The art and [...]read more

How Much Are You Saving?

How Much Are You Saving? 1024 613 Donna Skeels Cygan
Do you think people with high incomes are wealthier than people with average incomes? This is a myth that needs to be dispelled. Many people have extremely high incomes, but their net worth does not reflect the high income. The key is not how much you earn, but how much you save. The amount you [...]read more