The Joy of Financial Security

Articles by the Author

7 Ways to Make Gratitude Part of Your Life

7 Ways to Make Gratitude Part of Your Life 1694 1133 Donna Skeels Cygan
We can cultivate greater happiness and financial security by making some intentional changes in our lives. Today's blog is about the power of Gratitude. The next blog entry will be about Gratitude for Our Finances. GRATITUDE “In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but gratefulness that makes [...]read more

Control the Controllables

Control the Controllables 1698 1131 Donna Skeels Cygan
The powerful message from The Joy of Financial Security is that we can cultivate greater happiness and financial security by making some intentional changes in our lives. My last blog entry was about contentment. Whether we are content or satisfied with our lives impacts our happiness. If we are not, we should make intentional changes. [...]read more

Contentment: A Major Factor in Happiness

Contentment: A Major Factor in Happiness 1698 1131 Donna Skeels Cygan
The wonderful message from The Joy of Financial Security is that we can cultivate greater happiness and financial security by making some intentional changes in our lives. The topic for today is the concept of contentment. The parallel financial topic—"Control the Controllables"—is covered in the next blog entry. Psychological research has shown that being content [...]read more

Relationships with Family and Friends

Relationships with Family and Friends 1698 1131 Donna Skeels Cygan
The powerful message from The Joy of Financial Security is that we can cultivate greater happiness and financial security by making some intentional changes in our lives. Although money does not buy happiness, it definitely impacts our happiness. Having money can provide us with the freedom to live our lives the way we choose. Positive [...]read more

Spend Money on Experiences Rather than Things

Spend Money on Experiences Rather than Things 1478 1299 Donna Skeels Cygan
We can cultivate greater happiness and financial security by making some intentional changes in our lives. Research has shown that experiences have a far greater impact on our happiness than spending money on things and possessions. We often settle into routines that start to feel stale and predictable. Planning a day with family or friends [...]read more